Bru-ing like a boss @ Bru World Cafe

Well, I have had this food blog for a while now and being the blonde that I am, I realised, how come, I haven’t done a post on coffee yet! C’mon, I mean, isn’t that the elixir of our weekdays. We all will die without coffee. Yet, we all conveniently survive on the crap (sorry) that we drink out of our coffee machines, everyday.
An engaging and insightful event, held by Bru Coffee, India at the Bru World Café, Andheri enlightened us not only about the types of coffee, the journey of a coffee bean, but also turned us novices into coffee brewers.

Arming us with all the basics that it takes to create coffee, we were given a tray, with a lovely French press, coffee shaker, milk, condiments, cocoa powder and a fresh new packet of Bru Gold at our disposal.

Well, here’s a little secret, Mr. Chiranjeevi Giri, our coffee expert, and Business Manager, BRU Café loved the coffee that I created (or maybe said that to everybody.) But yeah, if this blogging thing doesn’t work out, you know which café to find me at!

The point of this interactive workshop was to engage bloggers to brew their own coffee and sample it among consumers. The best one will be on the menu for a month! (If you go to the Bru World Café, Bandra Reclamation outlet, just say you love the Twisty Mocha, and I will send you all my love!)
Seriously, though coffee is just a vast subject that it will take more than just a couple of blog posts to sum up, what Mr Giri taught us is that coffee brewing, like wine making, is an art and terms like coffeeneur and coffeetender need to be coined soon.

We brewed our coffee using Bru Gold, and extremely simple ingredients which are available at your local market. All you need to invest in is a simple French Press. C’mon, it’s barely expensive and if you place it at your work desk, it will make you look like some elitist coffee-drinker too!

Happy brewing!


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